Four Reasons Why Cars Overheat


An overheating engine could make you miss an important appointment or even your wedding. In this excerpt, you will learn why your car overheats. 

A Faulty Radiator

Radiator leaks occur when your vehicle's radiator hits a hard surface such as a stone or pavement. A simple way to avoid this is to install a sump guard. The radiator could also leak due to corrosion. Although there are many DIY guides on car radiator repair, it is best that you take your car to the mechanic for repairs. Modern car radiators are made of plastic and aluminium which are difficult to fix without special tools. Besides, the mechanic can detect additional problems such as transmission leaks. 

Loose Radiator Hoses 

A set of hoses connect the radiator to the engine. The tubes are made from rubber and are therefore prone to wear out with time. Hose leaks, brittleness, and cracks are all signs of a worn out radiator hose. These are simple to install, but you must ensure that you fix them tight. 

Water Pump Failure 

A water pump is a machine that keeps the coolant moving in the radiator, hoses and the engine. A faulty water pump disrupts coolant movement, which makes the engine overheat. To diagnose a failing water pump, check for grinding noises from the engine. While the water pump can be repaired, it is best that you replace it to avoid further problems. The best way to prevent water pump failure is by using quality coolants to prevent the pump's components from corroding.

The Presence of Foreign Objects in the Cooling System

For the cooling system to operate efficiently, the coolant must flow smoothly through the various components. Foreign objects, such as air and solid deposits, cause blockages that make the engine overheat. Solid deposits are caused by dirty coolants or chronic engine problems such as metal corrosion. The best way to deal with this problem is to flush the cooling system.

What to Do When Your Car Overheats

If your car is overheating, pull over and conduct a quick diagnosis. Inspect the cooling system for leaks. The radiator cap could also be a culprit. Therefore, check for bubbles or signs of water spillage at the top of your radiator. If your radiator fan is off, it could be the cause. Switch off the engine, wait for it to cool and check the coolant levels. If you cannot manage the problem on-site, tow your vehicle to the nearest garage. 

The main reasons why car engines overheat are faulty radiators, leaking hoses, water pump failure, and blockages in the cooling system. If you need car radiator repair, contact a mechanic near you. 


19 March 2019

Servicing my car as a disabled person

I rely a lot of my car as I am a paraplegic. I can only drive a car that has specially modified with wheel controls, so it's very important that I get my car serviced by a company that knows what it is doing. I also need my car to be serviced quickly as I am very limited in how much I can get around without it. This blog has some tips on how to find a car servicing company that will suit you if driving a disability-modified car. I hope it will be useful to other people with disabilities who rely on their cars as much as me.