Understanding Roadworthy Certificates


Most individuals usually get confused when they find the terms safety certificate and roadworthy certificate being used at the same time. These terms refer to the same certificate. It is that certificate that you are issued when your vehicle is inspected and meets road safety standards, which are usually set by the code or practice of your state's department of transport and main roads. These safety standards may differ from state to state.

Do not confuse a pre-purchase inspection with the inspection that is done to get a safety certificate. The pre-purchase inspection is done to get a vehicle condition report that helps you decide whether to buy a particular vehicle or not.  Read on to get a better understanding of roadworthy certificates.

When A Roadworthy Certificate Is Needed

If you are registering a new vehicle, be it a truck, caravan, heavy trailer, trailer, normal car, motorcycle, etc., you will need a roadworthy certificate.

If you are purchasing a used vehicle, which is not registered, you will need to register it, and while registering, a roadworthy certificate will be needed.

Another instance where a roadworthy certificate will be required is if you are moving the vehicle to another state. You will obviously require to register it to the state you are moving to.

Your Vehicle Can Pass or Fail the Inspection Done to Get a Roadworthy Certificate

When you pass the inspection, it means your vehicle meets the required road safety standards, and you will be issued with the roadworthy certificate, which you will use to have your vehicle registered.

When you fail the inspection, it means your vehicle does not meet the required road safety standards of the particular state. You will be issued with a report indicating the changes or repairs that need to be done to your vehicle for it to meet the road safety standards. When you have the repairs done, your vehicle will be inspected once more, and you will be issued with the roadworthy certificate.

What Is Usually Inspected?

The vehicle tester will inspect your vehicle's braking system, suspension, steering, wheels, seatbelts, seats, reflectors, lights, wipers, engine, chassis and overall body condition. All these are important features when it comes to the safety of the driver and other road users.

Expiry Dates You Should Keep in Mind

If you fail an inspection, you will be given a specific number of days to have your vehicle repaired. If these days expire, you might have to incur more costs.

When you are issued with the roadworthy certificate and depending on the state, you will have a particular number of days as well to take it to the department of transport and main roads for registration.

With this in mind, you will not have problems when registering your vehicle.


17 June 2019

Servicing my car as a disabled person

I rely a lot of my car as I am a paraplegic. I can only drive a car that has specially modified with wheel controls, so it's very important that I get my car serviced by a company that knows what it is doing. I also need my car to be serviced quickly as I am very limited in how much I can get around without it. This blog has some tips on how to find a car servicing company that will suit you if driving a disability-modified car. I hope it will be useful to other people with disabilities who rely on their cars as much as me.